It's free and, in addition to supporting the sending of emojis, images, files and animated gifs, it also allows you to make calls and video calls. But is this all that users need? Why Telegram is better than WhatsApp some of Telegram's features (source: telegram.org) Telegram, created in 2013 by the Durov brothers, has won over around 170 million people, aiming at a young but still niche target.
However, the data speaks of incredible growth, ranging from 350 thousand to 600 thousand new Liberia Email List per day. The basic elements of its DNA are speed and safety . Furthermore, the reasons that could persuade users to prefer Telegram are different: security and privacy , considering that they are impossible to decipher. Furthermore, Telegram offers the secret chat service: it is possible to send messages or images which, after being opened and viewed, self-destruct.
The company is so convinced of its security that it launched a contest with $300,000 up for grabs for anyone who managed to breach its data. Nobody succeeded! Telegram allows you to send large format files , up to 1.5 GB in size. WhatsApp files can reach a maximum of 16MB. No limit broadcast lists : Telegram offers the possibility of multiple scheduled sending of a single message without limitations, while the maximum number of possible recipients on WhatsApp is 256.