(5-10 minutes) Put down your pen, and read through your articlestart to finish. Does it: • Answer the reader’s question (i.e., user intent) •Stay focused and avoid tangents • Provide practical value • Speak to a specificaudience If the answer to any of these is “no” or even “kind of”, highlight thesections that need adjusting and rewrite them accordingly. What to ask ChatGPT:Start by describing the task to ChatGPT: ‘I would like your
help editing my article. Before I start, I’m going to tell you alittle about my Chinese Thailand Phone Number List subject. My goal is to explain: ________. Describe in two tothree sentences what you hope to achieve with your article. How are youeducating your audience? What are they supposed to gain from reading yourarticle? the better ChatGPT’s responses will be.For example: My goal is to explain: how to self-edit an article. By the
end of the article, the reader should know what to watch for, howto fix common errors, and how to approach self-editing. The advice should beactionable, simple, and practical. It shouldn’t take writers too long, but itshould bring lots of value and significantly improve their work with minimaleffort. ChatGPT will tell you it’s ready to continue. Now, we’re going to haveChatGPT ask us a few questions about our audience, so it knows