Duplicate content is the same piece of text that appears multiple times on the web . When a certain text is present within a unique URL we have unique content , otherwise we talk about duplicate content .Types of Duplicate Content: Internal vs ExternalThe definition opens the way to their classification. We thus speak of internal duplicate content when it is present within the same website and external duplicate content - or cross domain - when it concerns different sites.Internal duplicates vs internal duplicates example schemeThe internal ones are generally in good faith , mostly due to technical errors and oversights, while the external ones are intentional , and are plagiarism as they infringe copyright .
The latter, however , are not all serious to the same extent, as in the typical Special Data case of non-personalized product sheets between the manufacturer and the parent company .We'll talk later about the most frequent technical errors that lead to duplication of internal content and how to fix them . For the moment, let's remember that there are two types based on the percentage of duplicate content between two or more pages. We have like this:exact duplicates, when the value is 100%almost exact duplicates , when approaching 100%The impact of Duplicate Content on SEOIs duplicate content a threat to SEO ?Let's take an example: imagine having to find the definition of a certain word while having two editions of the same dictionary available. The old one , due to a printing error, contains many double pages. The new one has been corrected, there are no more duplicates. Which of the two will you do first?This is why neglecting internal duplicate management means making Google's crawling of your site more difficult .
In fact, in the presence of duplicates, it happens that:the crawler does not know which version to include/exclude from the index : we know that it is able to choose a preferential one, but it is by no means certain that it is the optimal one;this generates a waste of crawl budget which on larger sites can also obscure original and strategic resources from the index;the link juice is dispersed instead of being consolidated into a single page;the crawler does not know which URL to place and even puts the duplicates in competition with each other.By arranging the duplicates we take care to pave the way for the crawler through a clear and obstacle-free path .Do you want to maximize your organic positioning of your e-commerce?Well then you have to make sure that the indexable pages of your site must be unique, useful and original . This is the mantra!