A post on how to toast walnuts ranks in “position 0” for “how to roast walnuts.”intent match keyword researchThese queries don’t have exactly the same intent, IMO – you toast walnuts for a salad or to use in baking, but roasted walnuts sounds more like a dish of its own, probably involving some kind of oil or fat and seasoning. You just might be able to steal that snippet.How to steal a snippetIt’s tough, because that site has the snippet in the first place due to better-than-expected CTR. But if you can do even better than them, Google might make the switch.
Avenues to explore include:Better intent matchRicher, more up-to-date Benin WhatsApp Number information (does the And0 result look outdated?)More schematic/structured formatting (for example, a list of steps or a table – see below)structured featured snippet in googleGoogle loves to snippet structured information like thisTL;DRYou don’t have the time, money, or energy to target every SEO keyword you can find that’s vaguely related to your niche. The best way to focus your resources on creating SEO content that will have an impact is to prioritize based on opportunity, and then make sure your content is optimized to give both Google and your readers what you know they like.

Elisa GabbertMEET THE AUTHORElisa GabbertElisa Gabbert is WordStream’s Director of Content and SEO. Likes include wine, karaoke, poker, ping-pong, perfume, and poetry.See other posts by Elisa GabbertPer a report from SJ Insights, people are exposed to an average of 5,000 advertisements and brands per day. Of that number, only an average of 153 advertisements are noted, and we only engage with about 12 ads. The competition for attention is fierce and to be the best, your ads need to stand out from the crowd to get noticed.And so, I’ve compiled a list of creative advertising ideas with examples to make your brand stand out!1. that the trick to getting people to like you is to simply get them to talk about themselves.